
Open Source Initiative (OSI) PostgreSQL Java

ConcourseConnect is Open Source

Posted by Matt Rajkowski on May 27, 2009, 3:30 PM EDT
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Open Source brings a new dimension to business social software making ConcourseConnect the compelling choice for building commercial communities, social networking sites, and corporate intranets.  This may just be the de facto Java Open Source platform for implementing and deploying social software and social business software.  We aim to make it so and we need your help...

What we're doing about Open Source:

  • Providing users with a choice: You can choose ConcourseConnect.  You can choose Concursive to help you deploy a successful and maintainable community.
  • We're using a flexible licensing model: ConcourseConnect is dual-licensed: AGPL and Commercial; the core is AGPL whereas the commercial version has enhanced functionality and services.
  • Providing assurance: You own the data, you have access to the source if you need it or eventually want to employ the skill set necessary to enhance it.
  • We're actively developing and hosting the community: You can easily join in.
  • We're actively supporting ConcourseConnect: Need help?  Ask us.

What we expect you to do about Open Source:

  • Download it! There are downloads at both and Google Code
  • Use it!
  • Get the word out: Let others know about your site and about ConcourseConnect
  • Participate: ask questions, answer questions, review us, submit your site for others to see
  • Guest blog on our site: We're hosting discussions on various social networking solutions for others to find -- let us promote you to a champion so you can blog with us
  • Contribute: create a theme, write some documentation, use the API to create 3rd-party applications, create a JSR-168 Portlet that can be used embedded or as a remote service, submit user experience improvements, request a subversion sandbox for your enhancements
  • Became a partner: Contact us so that we can help you roll out solutions to your customers and to be able to provide customizations and maintenance with ease.

Here's to having fun and to nurturing all those soon-to-be communities out there!

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