Concursive Corporation

  • Norfolk, VA
  • 23510

Where "Open Solutions" Fit Well

Posted by David Richards on December 28, 2018, 8:20 AM EST
David Richards photo

The size of the organization in which a solution is being considered is usually a key determinant of fit.  Large enterprises, highly invested in a single or few platforms like SAP or Oracle, generally apply open strategies to narrower areas within their development roadmaps.  Which is how Linux penetrated the enterprise; it was first used in projects deemed less than mission critical and once found to be robust, safe and cost-effective spread more broadly.

For the vast range of smaller and mid-sized organizations, and specifically with respect to Concursive technologies, open strategies are most applicable where some combination of the following conditions apply:

Uncertainty:  The organization faces significant growth or change yet the particulars and paths forward are uncertain.  Thus, the need to retain flexibility and maneuverability are high.

Control:  A high degree of control of the technical environment is desirable so as to mitigate the risk of being held hostage by a proprietary vendor or non-standard technology in a particularly important area. Most organizations don't want to deal at the source code level; but it's a valuable insurance policy and back door knowing that you can.

Legacy systems:  The business aims to get more out of its legacy data, administrative and operational environments as jettisoning them isn't an option.

Nimbleness:  The business or organization is moving fast and processes, systems and tactics are being developed almost on the fly.  

Must move:  The organization’s leadership knows that sitting still isn’t the answer, but it lacks clarity on a range of strategic issues and is (rightly) hesitant to bet the ranch on a single technology approach or vendor.

Collaboration:  Connecting people, information, best practices and implementing team-based strategies are specific, desired outcomes.

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