• Norfolk, Virginia
  • (757) 636-1775

Recent Activity

January 05

Joe Antle: Showing technology ideas to potential partners in Texas

8 years ago

February 08

Joe Antle: Thinking about how multi-market sales and service operations can deploy social business collaboration technology to drive large scale improvements in their sales operations.

1 decade ago

May 30

Joe A.: inviting John Wike to BeFit757.com

1 decade ago

Joe A.: Uploading a couple of documents showing our white boarding session on WilliamsburgBeWell.com

1 decade ago

May 29

Mark G. @Joe A.: Hi Joe, can you please send that invite to this user, because you could have selected the wrong user earlier. Thanks Mark

1 decade ago • 2 comments

Joe Antle photo

Joe A. in reply to Mark G.: Yes, I just deleted the other Mark G. and resent the invitation to this one. You should get it this time I hope. Let me know. And let me know about any questions you have about any of the content in the project. There is quite a bit of information there to sift through.

1 decade ago

Mark G. photo

Mark G. @Joe A.: Thanks Joe. I am in.

1 decade ago

May 28

Joe A.: Sent a reinvite to Mark Greeff. I think I have found the right personal profile to send it to this time since he did not get the earlier two invites.

1 decade ago

Joe A.: Going to create synopsis of discussion with Virginia Healthy Small Business Center team last Friday

1 decade ago

Joe A.: Working on some additional project content for BeFit757 "Collaborate" documents section

1 decade ago

May 20

Joe A.: Beginning to think August and work on the agenda for our Friday meeting with Suzanne Mercure of VBCH

1 decade ago

May 01

Joe A.: Getting ready to meet with Phil in preparation for Monarch Bank appointment

1 decade ago

January 28

January 07

Joe A.: Just working on an easy to sell and set up system for attendees at our Inside Business Social Collaboration Technology Workshops in February

1 decade ago


This user is still building out their profile.

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Tennis Pros I like

  • Elie BouKheir and Inova Tennis