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Importing a project plan into Centric CRM

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Importing a project plan into Centric CRM

4/27/2005 10:00 AM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


As of version 3.0, the Project Management module in Centric CRM has a feature to import an outline into your project plan. This is a handy feature as you can work offline to work on your outline.

To use this feature, create an Outline under the "Plan" tab, then click on the "Drop-down menu arrow" next to the Outline and choose Import. The imported outline will be appended, so if you have existing activities in the plan, then the results could be confusing.

Supported file formats include Excel (.xls) and Omni Outliner (.xmloutline). The format is specific and must be based on the sample templates we provide. You can download the templates from the 3.0 project, or, as of 3.0.1, the templates are downloadable from the import process.

1. 7/13/2005 6:11 AM EDT

I have a problem during upload - it shows:

"The file could not be sent by your computer, make sure the file exists and is in the requested format"

The file is correct (in .xls) and before I did not have any probems in upload files from this desktop computer. I tried templates from my installation and from, changed the names of the file, closed any other applications and nothing works.

Using 3.0.1 - Any ideas?

2. 7/13/2005 9:01 AM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


If you open the XLT Template file, then save it as XLS, without making any changes, does the import work for you?

3. 7/13/2005 10:08 AM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


The importer is having a problem with the "Assigned To" column in your file.

The intended use of that column is to use the "Id" of the team member. You can get each user's Id by viewing the "Team" tab of the project.

If you delete the whole "Assigned To" column, the import works on your file, but you don't get who the activity is assigned to. I can see in the application that the number is coming across as a decimal (Ex. "1.0") instead of an integer (Ex "1"). This might be due to the formatting of the Excel Cell so we will add code to Centric CRM to accommodate various number types.

4. 7/25/2005 1:09 PM EDT

OK, so how should I insert user Id into .xls file to have it imported properly?
Tried 1, 1.0 (both as a text and number) and it didn't work.

Deleting Assigned to column helped - now the plan can be imported into Centric but.... it doesn't show any start and end dates - only names, priorities and effort!

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