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Changing Account owner?

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Changing Account owner?

8/31/2006 5:25 AM EDT

How do I do this, I have imported accounts for our Sales guys, but they want to own them???

Also is it possible to assign a 'group' as the owner?

1. 8/31/2006 10:16 AM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


During import you can specify a column for "owner" -- this maps to a userId in Centric CRM.

So if you want a contact/account to be owned by a specific salesperson, then determine the salesperson's database id, which can be found in the "access" table or find the id by inspecting the user record in the Admin -> Users module. Put this number in the record to be imported and it will be assigned during import.

2. 8/31/2006 10:18 AM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


After import, someone in the hierarchy of the currently owned Account would need to re-assign the owner by modifying the account record.

3. 8/31/2006 10:19 AM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


A team/group function is being added to Accounts but is not yet available. A team/group feature has been added to Help Desk in 4.0 and will likely see some improvement before appearing in Accounts module.

4. 9/4/2006 11:19 AM EDT

Thanks Matt, looking forward to the release when its in there :)

For now - i'm off to manually assign the accounts LOL :)

5. 2/28/2008 2:08 AM EST

Matt Rajkowski wrote:
A team/group function is being added to Accounts but is not yet available. A team/group feature has been added to Help Desk in 4.0 and will likely see some improvement before appearing in Accounts module.

Hi Matt,
any date for this team account functionality? (will be in included also in community edition??)
Some of my customers, of course, need to arbitrate access to accounts and there is no e simple way to do this now in Concourse Suite.

We are evaluating 3 options:

1) Use the site fuctionality to separate accounts by agent or geographic zone and develop a migration function to let admin move an account from a site to another with all the crm object with it.

2) Modify the account Jsp "edit" and "view" page to check the owner and don't permit this function to other users

3) Modify theaccount Jsp "edit" and "view" page to use the Hierarchy controls

No one of this solutions seems to be completely optimal.
The optimal one is the planned account team functionality BUT the question is: when do you plan to release it? :-)

I think an "acceptable" solution for some situations could be also number 1 and 3 and:
1) We are interested to know your opinion in it (i think both should be present in concursive suite in my opinion).
2) we are interested to know if Concursive can be interested to develop one of this for us as another option.
Is it possible to quote the development of these functions so i can figure it to my customer?

Thank you very much

Lucio Magini
Antica Bottega Digitale srl

6. 2/28/2008 3:15 PM EST (edited)


To answer your questions:

No, the account functionality will likely not be included in the community edition of the application.

The issue you are discussing, regarding access across sites, is a not a bug but a design. Sites are designed to keep data separate.

That said, we could explore options for how we could provide this functionality to you and your customers, through Professional Services development.

I'll contact you via email, and we can discuss the requirements.



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