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Download centric.war

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Download centric.war

3/6/2006 3:42 PM EST

Hi, just starting the install and the instructions tell me to download the centric.war file but i cannot find it on your site. Can anyone help out please.


Chris S

1. 3/6/2006 4:50 PM EST

Hi Chris,

Not sure what this means in context. Can you tell me what version of Centric CRM you are installing? Is it the Community or Group edition?

2. 3/7/2006 3:41 AM EST

Hi Tom,

Its the community version 3.1. After browsing around a bit i found the DarkHorse 2.8.1 WAR file and put that into my tomcat 5.5 webapps directory. Renamed it to centric.war and when i use the url of it springs into life ut i still feel i am missing the correct centric.war as detailed in the installation guide.



3. 3/7/2006 9:33 AM EST
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


In the 3.1 project there are several downloads available.

If you choose the Community Edition, then you will need to use BitTorrent to download the source and libraries, then compile the web application yourself. Read the README.txt included with the source download for details on compiling and installing. During this process a .war can be created.

If you choose the Group Edition, then you can download the .war directly, or choose one of the BitTorrent downloads. Read the Group Edition .pdf file for details on installing and setup.

In the 4.0 project, we have done away with the BitTorrent snapshots in favor of using Subversion to download the source. We will still make milestone snapshots, but these will be in the Subversion repository directly.

4. 3/8/2006 3:10 AM EST

Thanks very much for your help.


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