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Contact duplicated at insert

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Contact duplicated at insert

7/14/2008 12:00 PM EDT


I have discovered that after insert some contacts (about 900) the system starts to duplicate the contacts. when I insert a contact with and id of 900 the system create another contact with the same data and with an id between 100 and 400. The big problem isn't the duplicate data, the problem is that the contacts with ids between 100 and 400 has been erased.
I have installed centric 5.0.5 with apache 6, but I discovered the same problem in the 5.0.3 version.

Have any of you the same problem?

Best Regards,

1. 7/14/2008 12:54 PM EDT

Ricardo Vidal wrote:

I have discovered that after insert some contacts (about 900) the system starts to duplicate the contacts. when I insert a contact with and id of 900 the system create another contact with the same data and with an id between 100 and 400. The big problem isn't the duplicate data, the problem is that the contacts with ids between 100 and 400 has been erased.
I have installed centric 5.0.5 with apache 6, but I discovered the same problem in the 5.0.3 version.

Have any of you the same problem?

Best Regards,

More of a hint than an answer as im still ramping up on the project. It sounds like you are dealing with an issue of the current sequence in the database. What database are you using?

2. 7/18/2008 1:06 PM EDT

Michael Hoffman wrote:
More of a hint than an answer as im still ramping up on the project. It sounds like you are dealing with an issue of the current sequence in the database. What database are you using?

I had installed Centric 5.0.4 with MSSQL 2000 as database.
Also I installed centric 5.0.4 and 5.0.5 with MSSQL server 2005 as database. And the issue appears in each installation.
Ill try mysql as database.


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