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NRW International at SXSW

SXSW Party
  • Icenhauer's 83 Rainy St
  • Austin, Texas
  • 78701

NRW International at SXSW Home

NRW International at SXSW


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Media companies from North Rhine-Westphalia are presenting a series of interactive projects, such as "Interactive Cologne", the new Platform for the digital economy in Cologne and NRW.

We are happy to invite you for networking, drinks and music.

Music: Coma DJ Set (Cologne)

Two indie boys moved to Cologne, met the entire techno scene and suddenly reinvented the »new techno sound of Cologne «, without forgetting their past, which included eighties pop. Somewhere between new rave and old school techno, Marius Bubat and Georg Conrad Bubat have brought a hotly anticipated fresh wind to stagnant German electronic dance music.

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