ConcourseSuite Support


How stong do you see the shift in collaborative, community-oriented CRM across the entire CRM market?

I think the genie is truly out of the bottle in terms of how customers want to deal with businesses in a wired, always-connected world. They expect online access to information and ordering, they want to be able to communicate with companies at the time they want and in the manner they choose. They want to be able to post comments and reviews and connect to other customers to share information. Almost every successful business, no matter what size, is going to have to embrace, adapt to, and adopt these means of interacting with their customers, partners, suppliers, affiliates, and other key stakeholders. Interestingly, and related to my points above, most businesses who are implementing these sorts of capabilities are not thinking of them as CRM. Rather, they just look at it as Business 101 in a wired age. In some ways, I think that smaller businesses are almost at an advantage compared to larger companies since they are starting almost from scratch. It is much harder for a large business with a legacy CRM system to figure out how to "bolt on" community collaboration tools to their system, rather than starting with something that, from the get go, has been engineered for a wired world.

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