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Renaming pipeline opportunity gives error

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Renaming pipeline opportunity gives error

5/12/2005 11:31 PM EDT

When I click on one of my opportunities in the pipeline and click the "Rename Opportunity" button, I get an error: The included page caused a problem. Is this a known bug? Has it been fixed in a later version?

1. 5/13/2005 12:03 AM EDT


Could you please give us more information on which version of the software you are using, is it the source or binary version and any information that would help us isolate the issue you seem to have.


2. 5/13/2005 2:01 AM EDT

According to the login page, we're using the Group Edition. 3.0 (2005-04-15)

Is that what you're after?

3. 5/24/2005 8:22 PM EDT

Any update?

4. 5/24/2005 9:43 PM EDT


I installed the binary version of Centric 3.0.1 release which included fixes as reported by the community to make sure this issue has been fixed. I was able to successfully rename an opportunity by clicking on the "Rename Opportunity" button.

Please upgrade your installation with the 3.0.1 version. You should be able to find the upgrade instructions in the 'CRM Installation and Setup' document available with the download.

Also please make sure when upgrading, if you are presented with a login screen instead of the upgrade screen then refresh your browser.


5. 6/7/2005 9:29 PM EDT

I work for the same company as Aidan and Im building 3.0.1 (2005-05-02) from scratch and renaming it fine. I'll be moving our application to the built source soon to fix this problem. thanks guys!

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