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report all open tickets for a given user, how to select user?

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report all open tickets for a given user, how to select user?

10/25/2006 4:49 PM EDT

Hi all,

I got this request to generate a report to show all open tickets assigned to a given user.

Can anybody tell me how I can prompt for user id input? Initially I was expecting something like $P or $P. By looking at the report manual, it doesn't say anything like that.

Thank you.

1. 10/25/2006 5:33 PM EDT


There is no existing parameter, similar to $P & its supporting parameter $P, which can allow you to ask the user to input a specific user of the system, against whom the report should be run.

Also note that $P parameter represents the current user who has logged into the system and is running the report.

In your case, if you are using the source version of Centric, you can change the code and provide support for a new $P & $ parameters similar to $. The and class have support for report parameters that need user prompts. You might have to add a new User selector pop-up if it does not exist already.

- Ananth

2. 10/25/2006 5:51 PM EDT

hmm, sounds like I have to dig into the code now.

I will look at the reporting framework first to see if I am capable of adding this parameter support.

BTW, is there an updated manual for report generation. The one for download is dated July 10 2003.

Thank you.

3. 10/27/2006 3:38 PM EDT

I modified and, and some other minor changes, to support select user for reports.

Is it possible to submit a patch for the team to review?


4. 10/30/2006 9:31 AM EST


We would definitely be interested in your submission. Thanks. Could you please submit the patch, by attaching the patch file to this thread. I'll review the changes and merge it with the source.


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