ConcourseConnect Support


Change Production URL


The primary issue that this process solves is to seamlessly transition users that are using an old URL or an unmatched URL. The goal is to get all users going to the same URL without giving the user a 404 web error. Reasons users might have an old URL:

  • Search engines may have the old URL indexed
  • Users might have old URLs bookmarked
  • Users may have received an email with the old URL

Configuration steps

If possible, point all traffic to the ConcourseConnect webapp and it will handle redirecting users to an expected URL, as configured in ConcourseConnect. These configuration examples assume that connect.war is renamed to ROOT.war.

It is important that there is only one (1) host per ConcourseConnect instance. Otherwise multiple instances of Connect will be running and competing with the resources. This does not apply to a load-balanced setup.

  <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
    <Host name="localhost" appBase="/home/webapps" />

If it's not possible to point all traffic for a domain name to the ConcourseConnect webapp then you might have something like:

    <Host name="" appBase="/home/webapps" />

The next step is to make sure that ConcourseConnect's has the expected domain name to be used.


Restart Tomcat and users will now be redirected to the expected domain name.

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