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Developer Docs

8/3/2010 6:57 AM EDT

Hi Guys,

I come from a GWT and Java background, and am evaluating Collaborative Wiki frameworks to produce a product that would allow for open source and enterprise collaborative BI. I have come across a few things, I was recommended MindTouch but am put off with their Mono framework, I then investigated the web and came across XWiki and concourseconnect. Both of these are Java based which pleases me greatly, but I was wondering if there were any docs at all about extending and creating mashups? The docs and the wiki are empty. Are these for customers only? ;)



1. 8/3/2010 8:55 AM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


Hi Tom... all the docs are here... customers do receive a support space and tailored docs when requested, but otherwise we try and keep everything in the open the best we can.

I'm glad you stumbled on concourseconnect... when you say you want to extend the wiki, do you mean you want to be able to add wiki markup plugins and then those plugins access other stuff, like java code?

In general, the wiki needs a plug-in model and that is something I'd like to work with someone on. If you can elaborate and provide any examples that would be great.

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