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License procedure

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License procedure

5/3/2005 1:59 AM EDT

Hi ,
Could any body tell me the license procedure for Centric CRM?. I have some questions regarding license.
1). What is cost of centric CRM for 10 ,20,30.50.100 users.
2).How to get licensing details?
3).Is license is neccessary for using Centric CRM?


1. 5/3/2005 7:17 PM EDT

There are three versions of Centric CRM:

1. Enterprise. This version is a commercial version, licensed and payed for by the seat on an annual basis. The basic price is $400 per seat per year, with discounts for quantity and for longer terms than one year. Centric CRM Enterprise comes with source code and is fully supported.

2. Group. This is a free, licensed, binary only version limited to five total users. It comes with a full installer for either Linux or Windows.

3. Community. This is a free, unsupported, source code only version that you can download, install, modify, and use. The license is the Centric Public License, which is similar to most other Open Source Licenses, but differs in that it does not permit redistribution of the Centric CRM code, in either source or binary form. You can (and should!) view the complete license on our web page.

Hope this helps!


2. 5/4/2005 2:29 AM EDT

Hi Tom,
Thanks for great help.
I have some queries. As you have explained in point 3 that we can download, install, modify and use for internal use only.

1. Suppose, five users would like to use Centric CRM Code internally then can we install, modify and use? Is license necessary for this?

2. Suppose more than 100 users would like to use Centric CRM code internally, then can we install, modify and use source code of Centric CRM. Is license necessary for this?

3. If 100 users are not allowed to use Centric CRM code for internal use then in this case, how much we will have to pay for purchasing licenses


3. 5/4/2005 9:15 AM EDT


The source version has no limit on the number of users you can configure. So, by the terms of the license, you can run a 1000 person company on it without problem. You may not, however, host the software for others, or redistribute the software to others without a commercial (i.e. resellers) agreement with Centric CRM. That's the licensing side of the issue.

On the business side of the issue, most larger enterprises we're familiar with do not choose to run a mission critical business application without support; which is what our Open Source ("Community") version is. And, when we release a new version it can be difficult to upgrade your system. If you modify the application, you will need to re-integrate those modifications for every new release. If the software has problems, you are pretty much on your own. As there are now close to one million lines of Java code in Centric CRM it's not something you should take lightly.

Having said all of that, for those who are comfortabe managing a very large, business critical information system in source code, it's a great deal.

4. 5/24/2005 10:27 PM EDT

Does centric have a reseller license in place yet? I've looked for one but have not seen one yet. We have a consulting / web hosting company and were looking for a product to resell to our clients with custom mods and integration.

5. 5/25/2005 8:35 AM EDT

Yes, we do have a reseller's agreement, and I have some dcumentation that explains the program, as well as an agreement you can sign. I'll try to email it to you. You should see it soon as long as the email address you left us when you registered is something you look at regularly.


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