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where is the Site lookup in 5.0.x ?

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where is the Site lookup in 5.0.x ?

2/4/2008 5:13 PM EST

I don't see the Site lookup definition in the admin>Modules>Account>list Lookup as in 4.1.

Where is this Site feature in the new 5.0.x version ?

1. 2/5/2008 12:54 AM EST

Hi Vincent,

As of 5.0 sites can no longer be added through the interface. The feature is deprecated in favor of the more flexible hierarchical permission model used in the application. We are not removing the feature for backwards compatibility, and also we realize that the sites model may be appropriate for some businesses models. But the use of sites is not encouraged.

By having a manager specified for each user the organization hierarchy can be built. This hierarchy is then used throughout the modules for allowing access to records.

The issue with sites arises when a user switches from one site to another, any of the leads, accounts, or other sited records are no longer available to that user. That problem can never occur when a hierarchy access model is used exclusively.

If site based access is deemed mandatory you can add sites through the database directly in the "lookup_site_id" table. The site dropdowns will then appear once again in the application.

2. 2/28/2008 7:58 AM EST

Thanks for the reply

it could be usefull to update the documentation where this information (about site_id) is still there and add in place a description of what could be used as a replacement.

For a B2B model, where a vendor is managing its own customers, the site_id make sense, as to isolate each vendor's customers from each other.

So if I read properly, the replacement is to make each vendors's vendor managed by one user so all of its contacts/assets/tickets/etc be visible only to its downbellow hierarchy ?

But it make the number of Concursive seat incremented as 'users' instead of considering them as our 'customers' !

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