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Contacts Portal User - Multiple Accounts

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Contacts Portal User - Multiple Accounts

7/4/2007 8:26 PM EDT

Is there a way to attach a contact to multiple accounts? We have a customer that is a franchise with multiple locations. We setup different accounts for each location since they're separate legal entities. We would like to attach some contacts to all these accounts, so they can have portal access to all the accounts. From the documentation, Viewing Portals section:

'When users log in the portal they can view the 'accounts' they have access to.'

We don't see a way a portal user can have access to more than one account.

Are we missing something?

Thank you very much.

1. 7/5/2007 9:10 AM EDT


Currently there is no way to attach a contact to multiple accounts. The contacts (although they will be the same contact in your case) will be seen as individual accounts throughout the separate systems. This will eventually come in later versions of Centric CRM.

Brandon Antone
Sales Engineer
Centric CRM

2. 7/5/2007 1:23 PM EDT

We have had a feature developed for us to deal with resellers. The feature will soon be delivered to Centric for review and inclusion in 5.0.

We sell our products mostly through resellers. The resellers receive the support calls from the end users and provide support if they can. If they can't find the solution they log into Centric CRM as a portal user and create a ticket for any of the accounts that they are a reseller for. Our change adds a new type of relationship for resellers so that they can be tied to many other accounts. They can create and view tickets (that they have created) for all of these other accounts.

Maybe when this feature is available, you can use the reseller feature as a franchise feature? You create the contact for the main franchise, and attach all of the locations to the franchise. When he logs into the portal, he can create tickets for any of the locations and also view tickets that he has created for any of the locations.


3. 7/5/2007 6:28 PM EDT

That is exactly what we need! When did you say this will become availabe?

Thank you very much.

4. 7/5/2007 10:22 PM EDT

Development and testing was just completed today. We have asked for the company that developed the changes to deliver the code to Centric for review and inclusion in their 5.0 release. The company is a Centric partner and helps with the development of Centric CRM. Hopefully they will send the code over any day now.

When will you be able to see it? You'll have to find out when the first beta release of 5.0 will be. I think it will be sometime in August.


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