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Cannot setup a Campaign

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Cannot setup a Campaign

2/22/2007 5:58 AM EST


I cannot not setup a campaign because for some reason the system keeps saying that the 'Run Date' is invalid. The date format is UK and works for everything else except the Campaign section. I'm running on OS X 10.4.8, Java 2, Tomcat 5.5.20 and MySQL 5.0.27. I have checked the error logs for Tomcat and there is nothing generated for this error. Please can you advise. Thanks.

1. 2/23/2007 5:44 AM EST (edited)

I have built from source and used Postgres as the backend. But this part of the module still does not work.

2. 2/23/2007 9:42 AM EST

I have just install the binary on Windows XP and used Postgres for the backend. I still had the same issue.

To get it to work I changed the jsp (campaign_center_schedule.jsp) page to the following:


<dhv:permission name="campaign-campaigns-edit">
<zeroio:dateSelect form="inputForm" field="activeDate" timestamp="<%= Campaign.getActiveDate() %>"/>
<dhv:label name="">at</dhv:label>
<zeroio:timeSelect baseName="activeDate" value="<%= Campaign.getActiveDate() %>" timeZone="<%= (Campaign.getActiveDateTimeZone() == null) ? User.getTimeZone(): Campaign.getActiveDateTimeZone() %>" showTimeZone="true"/>
<font color="red">*</font>


<dhv:permission name="campaign-campaigns-edit" none="true">
<input type="text" size="10" name="activeDate" value="<zeroio:tz timestamp="<%= Campaign.getActiveDate() %>" dateOnly="true" />" disabled="disabled">
<dhv:permission name="campaign-campaigns-edit">
<zeroio:dateSelect form="inputForm" field="activeDate" timestamp="<%= Campaign.getActiveDate() %>" timeZone="<%= (Campaign.getActiveDateTimeZone() == null) ? User.getTimeZone(): Campaign.getActiveDateTimeZone() %>" showTimeZone="true" />

This works but you cannot choose the time for the Run Date. It looks like a bug. Please can you advise on when this issue will be resolved.


3. 2/23/2007 11:00 AM EST

This issue has been scheduled to be analyzed and fixed. Thank you for letting us know.

4. 2/23/2007 12:55 PM EST

Which version of Centric CRM are you using? There was an issue with Campaign Run Date that was fixed before the 4.1 release. Are you using 4.1 or a prior version of Centric?


5. 2/23/2007 1:27 PM EST

Ananth Balasubramanyam wrote:
Which version of Centric CRM are you using? There was an issue with Campaign Run Date that was fixed before the 4.1 release. Are you using 4.1 or a prior version of Centric?


:-) i use centric 4.1 and i'm experiencing exactily the same problem.
Centric 4.1 linux postgress

6. 2/26/2007 9:50 AM EST


I'm using version 4.1.

7. 2/27/2007 6:32 AM EST

i'm using centric 4.1

and i have the same problem.

I found the source problem.

in the method sanitizeDate of GenericBean class, there is an istruction that generate a NullPointerException.

This istruction try to retrive the information of AMPM from the HttpServletRequest.

8. 3/5/2007 12:04 PM EST

Hello Viet,

Could you please send us a snapshot of your entire Centric CRM screen for your Campaign Run Date form which displays the error while you try to save a campaign with an activation date.

This might help us troubleshoot the issue further. When the server tries to validate the run date, it tries to compare the run date with the system's current date to see if the run date is not in the past.

For the comparison to be valid, both the date/time values should be converted to an identical timezone and then compared. We'll troubleshoot this further and see if there are any bugs around this piece of code.


9. 3/28/2007 9:54 AM EDT


How can I upload the snapshot of the Campaign Run Date form in this forum? I have done the screen grabs but cannot find a way to upload to this forum.



Ananth Balasubramanyam wrote:
Hello Viet,

Could you please send us a snapshot of your entire Centric CRM screen for your Campaign Run Date form which displays the error while you try to save a campaign with an activation date.

This might help us troubleshoot the issue further. When the server tries to validate the run date, it tries to compare the run date with the system's current date to see if the run date is not in the past.

For the comparison to be valid, both the date/time values should be converted to an identical timezone and then compared. We'll troubleshoot this further and see if there are any bugs around this piece of code.


10. 3/28/2007 11:01 AM EDT

Hello Viet,

Since this is a bug report, could you please create a thread at the following location regarding the issue and upload the snapshot when you post a message. The issue will be review from there.


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