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Project Workflow

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Project Workflow

7/27/2005 9:54 AM EDT

I was curious if there were workflow items for projects. I don't see any documentation for that anywhere, but would find it very useful.

Specifically what I want to do is when I add someone as a team member to a project, they don't have to accept the invitation. Is there an easier way to do this?

Of note, the only reason that this matters to me is that is not easy for someone to accept an invitation if they are not logged in already. When they click on the link from their email, they need to log in, and then return to their email and click on the link again (or know to Navigate to the Project section and click invitations.) This is a problem as linking to parts of Centric is not very useful. Couldn't this be done with a single argument passed to the login page? (the page you were actually trying to visit).