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Pick contacts by account, not by name

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Pick contacts by account, not by name

7/25/2005 3:30 PM EDT

Would it be possible to be able to select contacts from a particular account rather picking by contact name? I know I need to contact someone at a particular company, but I don't know their name unless I see a list for the company...

1. 7/26/2005 8:33 AM EDT

Hi Peter,

Here's how I do it: type the account name, or part of it, in the "Search Data" field on the right hand side of the screen. You should get a screen with all the contacts for that account, plus the account itself, plus maybe some more things. But you should at least get what you want.

Hope it helps.


2. 7/26/2005 2:59 PM EDT

Thanks for the idea, that's a little bit faster, but I still end up needing two windows open, I have to switch between them...and then I have to either cut and paste or re-type the contact names when actually adding them to the group. Is there a better way to do this that i am missing?

3. 7/26/2005 8:33 PM EDT


What group? It's not clear to me what you are trying to accomplish. More information?


4. 7/29/2005 3:19 PM EDT

In the communications module (the forum this msg is in) there is only one type of group, a distribution group.

The way that groups are setup is a nice idea (you setup criteria for the group and then in pulls the matched contacts when you go to use that group) but in reality I'm not sure how useful it is.

I need to create a list of people I want to send a message to. For our example I'll get overly concrete giving you too many details:

Every month some of our customers will have their software expire. We license it to them for a term and (most) of them pay annually. Currently, we create a list of accounts that are expiring soon and contact them reminding them to send us check. We figure out which contact within each account we need to call/email (IT Person, AR, owner, etc) each time we need to contact them. What we would prefer is to create a list of one contact per account who in the month of July need to be contacted. We could create a "July support renewal" list and then next year we will just reuse the list of contacts.

Currently though, when creating a group you click "Add/Remove Contacts" and it gives you a pop-up. You can then search by contact name. I may not know the name of a contact, just their company name...but we are only given two fields to search by.

Honestly, the workaround you suggested is kind of silly. Should I have to search seperately by account name, to find the contact I want, then go in the communications module to add them to the group, where I have to search by name to get them to come up? Seems very backwards. In addition to that, when I search for a partial account name ("americ" instead of "americana" in the right hand search box I get a "The included page caused a problem." error message, whereas "americana" works just fine. Is there some sort of search db that has gotten out of date for me?

5. 7/29/2005 3:20 PM EDT

Also, please close Ticket #715, I was wrong about that behavior.

6. 9/23/2005 8:07 PM EDT

Peter has some very good points. I'm curious - why did this thread stop?

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