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Error when build ConcourseConnect 2.0.2 in Eclipse Indigo (Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web developers, build id: 20120216-1857)

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Error when build ConcourseConnect 2.0.2 in Eclipse Indigo (Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web developers, build id: 20120216-1857)

3/27/2012 5:58 AM EDT

After using ant to build ConcourseConnect 2.0.2, the connect.war generated by "ant package" works well in tomcat 6. But when trying to build it in Eclipse according to, I met 6 problems. I solved 5 of them but I am blocked by the 6th. Can any one give some comments? Thanks In advance.

Here all the problems are listed, so that others who want to build CC 2.0.2 in eclipse may take references.

Problem_1. Problem on "import;"

Solution: Add "C:\prog\apache-ant-1.7.1\lib\ant.jar" in eclipse project properties-->Java build path-->libraries-->add external jars.

Problem_2. Problems similar to "Description Resource Path Location Type ArrayList cannot be resolved to a type projects_center_calendar_days_events_include.jspf /CC_eclipse_DynamicWebProj/src/main/webapp line 108 JSP Problem"

Solution: For error in jspf files, uncheck "Validate JSP fragments" in menu "window-->preferences-->web-->JSP files-->Validation".

Problem_3. "Description Resource Path Location Type EL Syntax Error actions-view.jsp /CC_eclipse_DynamicWebProj/src/main/webapp/portlets/actions line 0 JSP Problem", on code:

====<a href="$}"

Solution: In the same configuraiton place in above problem, set "EL Syntax problem" to "Warning".

Problem_4. "Description Resource Path Location Type Syntax error on token "-", ArrayLiteralHeader expected after this token editor_plugin.js /connect2/src/main/webapp/javascript/tiny_mce-3.2.7/plugins/wordcount line 1 JavaScript Problem"

Solution: Replace the js files in directory 'src/main/webapp/javascript/tiny_mce-3.2.7/plugins/wordcount/' with corresponding js files contained by

Problem_5. "Description Resource Path Location Type Start tag (<a>) not closed properly, expected >. search_results_by_recent_discussions_portlet-view.jsp /CC_ecplise_DynamicWebProj_Tomcat6/src/main/webapp/portlets/search_results_by_recent_discussions_portlet line 68 JSP Problem" and two more problems

Solution: Modify three JSP files, as the three patch files attached in this doc:




Another temporal solution is to "disable JSP Content Validator" in "window-->preferences-->Validation".

Problem_6. Eclipse report strange error when validating escape sequence '\"' in ccp:evaluate in JSP.

Please refer to attached EclipseJSPSyntaxError_1.png.

If modifying the admin_sync.jsp according to the attached admin_sync_jsp.diff, the Eclipse does not list error in "problems" view, but list the error in the context in editor view, as in attached EclipseJSPSyntaxError_2.png.

The temporal solution is to disable "JSP syntax validator" in "window-->preferences-->Validation". But is there a way to make the CC 2.0.2 source code compliance with eclisps' validator?