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A gap in sending an Invitation to join Project

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A gap in sending an Invitation to join Project

6/11/2008 6:33 AM EDT

Here's the scenario:

Person A has a number of active email addresses including "" and "". When Person B invited Person A to join a project, he used the "" of Person A. Person A then joined the project.

Then, after a certain time, Person B needed to invite Person A for another project, and this time Person B used "" of Person A. Person A got the email invitation and pressed the invitation link to join. However, after logging in with its existing TeamElements account registered with "", it says that there is no current project being invited.

After spending some time to dig out the reason, it is found that Person B should have sent to "".

Is there any workflow that can help improve close this hidden gap?

1. 6/11/2008 8:52 AM EDT
Default user photo

By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


I'm certain there isn't anything automatic right now.

I propose a feature that allows a user account to be associated with multiple email addresses. In recent times no one has just one email address and it would be nice to associate and merge multiple addresses to one user.

Can you think of any alternative to associating multiple email addresses to one user?

2. 6/11/2008 9:32 PM EDT

I think multiple email addresses would be necessary to get the desired behavior. As a bonus it might be a nice usability enhancement to also support adding an email address to an existing user during the project invitation process. As long as the user has permissions to modify user records that is.

This way a project lead will not have to go through the extra steps of navigating through the Admin menu, after finding out that the email address doesn't belong to anyone yet. They can just use some selection widget to add it to an existing user account, or still have the option to create a new account with the existing screen.

3. 6/15/2008 11:49 PM EDT

Multiple email addresses would be nice. When receiving project invitation, it would be useful to highlight which/the email addresses of the one being invited the project initiator is addressing. It would also be useful to let user know easily whether he has an existing account with this particular email address or not when he is being invited to join a project. Then he would know immediately what to do next.

(Personal remarks: I think due to the 1M space limitation, users might resort to creating a number of user accounts with different email addresses. In the long run, users themselves might be overloaded with a number of different accounts set up with different email addresses. If this is a fact already, is there a way for users to identify and group the accounts together and manage with one login?)

When I was thinking about the possible modification capability for managing multiple email addresses, as users can add email addresses, can they delete those created? If so, what the various scenarios would happen, such as the projects created or joined...


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