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Connect setup fails on step 1

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Connect setup fails on step 1

6/22/2010 12:09 PM EDT

I'm fairly(read REALLY) new to Linux(Ubuntu), tomcat and postgres. I've setup Ubuntu 10.04 and tomcat6, deployed a webapp(XWiki) succesfully, but decided to give CouncourseConnect a try. I struggled for 6 hrs to get postgres working, and i think i succeded(created a db for user connect), deployed connect but it fails on step 1 with reply "The java preferences could not be stored: /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/connect/=/opt/concursive/connect/fileLibrary/"
I,ve tried several different folders, changed owners and permissions, and just don't know what i'm doing wrong. I'd be very grateful for any help,what logs to read,or which manual i'd be better of following, just tell me what info you need, and i'll try my best to supply it.
thanks in advance

1. 6/22/2010 12:50 PM EDT

Ive also tried "/var/lib/tomcat6/connect/fileLibrary/", same response.
I tried "/var/lib/tomcat6/connect/", then nothing happens, the page just says "done" and nothing else...

2. 6/22/2010 10:13 PM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


Glad to see you working through the paces of a pure Linux system. ConcourseConnect and the CRM both use Java's Preference API, which means this is supposed to just work whether on Linux, Windows, or any other Java supported O/S. The reality is, there's some gotchas.

Java stores preferences in a path based on the user that is running Java. So if you are running Tomcat as a user called 'tomcat' then Java would store the preferences in that user's folder. What has probably happened is that user might not have a 'home' folder and so Java can't store the preferences.

Two solutions...

1) Make sure the Tomcat user has a home directory; or try running Tomcat as the 'root' user which has one.

2) When starting Tomcat, some parameters can be specified to map the java preferences to any folder on the system, as long as that user has access to that folder.

Read this entry on Linux Step-by-Step:

Let us know what happens!

3. 8/30/2010 11:25 PM EDT

I've been attempting to get this running for two days. The documentation is completely terrible and support is non-existent.

It would be nice if someone at Concourse could actually write an installation procedure for this that actually works or answer some emails. I'm ready to throw in the towel on this software.

4. 8/31/2010 8:24 AM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


Hello David, have you downloaded the ConcourseConnect Setup and Installation? You can get the guide from:

We've been using that setup guide and updating it for all of our products for about 7 years so I'd like to think it works for the most part. Things change though so for example, the specified versions still work, but can be updated. So Tomcat 6 works and PostgreSQL 8.4 works.

There are differences depending on your platform. Some Linux installations come with Java and Tomcat... but those versions are not necessarily the pure versions of Java and Tomcat that you download from Oracle and Apache, they are modified for distributing with Open Source distributions. During a Linux installation I always disable the installation of Java and Tomcat for that reason. The full versions can be downloaded from Oracle and Apache.

PostgreSQL is sometimes outdated on Linux distributions so our engineer usually installs it separately as well. As long as it is PostgreSQL 8+ that's good.

With all that said, what type of installation procedure are you inquiring about and what could make it better?


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