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Login failed during first startup

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Login failed during first startup

2/26/2009 8:31 AM EST

I deployed centric crm 4.1 on tomcat 5.5
i set admin account,and derby database
when i try to login by admin's username and password it gives following error
" Access: Schema 'CENTRIC_CRM' does not exist"
Please help!
I havent used java derby before.

1. 2/26/2009 8:47 AM EST

You are using a pretty old release of centric - which is only compatible with earlier versions of tomcat 5.5.

Since this sounds like your first attempt to use the product please download the latest version from and select the download link for ConcourseSuite (2009-01-05). Prior to installing I suggest you delete the prior database, filelibrary, warfile and tomcat centric directories in the tomcat webapps and work directories so the system doesn't think you are trying to perform an upgrade.

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