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How Do I Access the Website Link?

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How Do I Access the Website Link?

4/8/2008 1:06 PM EDT

I'm a new user. I do not have the website link in the global menu bar.

How do I access the website module?


1. 4/8/2008 1:24 PM EDT

Click Admin > Manage Roles > Administrator (or whichever role)
Then scroll down to the Website module permissions and select check all.
Then click the Update button.

You should see a new button appear at the top of the page that says Website, beta

2. 4/8/2008 1:52 PM EDT

It worked. Thanks for the perfect instructions!

3. 4/8/2008 3:15 PM EDT

No problem, since it's still in beta we leave it to the user to manually turn on the permissions. Let us know if you run into any issues or have any feedback on the website module.

Thanks for your support!

- Lorraine

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