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Access denied: License error ?

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Access denied: License error ?

1/19/2008 6:16 AM EST


We recently upgraded from Centric Community 4 version to the Centric Community 5 (grabbed on the SVN).
Unfortunately, we quickly realized there are many serious problems in this version... then we tried the Centric 5.0.2, free for 5 users. There we don't have all the bugs from the community version, but a license problem...

In fact, when installing the 5.0.2, we request a new license, enter it, and that is fine. Then we complete the setup process (pointing to the existing databases). But then, when we want to login, we face the error message: "Acces denied: License error"

Could it be because there is something stored in the database (which comes from a community edition) ? FYI, we removed the fileLibrary and created a new one, so only the database is remaining.

Thanx a lot

PS: when do you think the 5.0.2 could be released as community edition ?

1. 1/20/2008 7:50 PM EST
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


There might be a few issues with upgrading over to the 5-user. As the application owner you would need to review the upgrade scripts and make sure your database is current with the 5.0.2 database.

Also, does your database have more than 5 users enabled? That could throw an error too.

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