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HTTP Status 404 - /centric/templates/nullcentric.jsp

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HTTP Status 404 - /centric/templates/nullcentric.jsp

1/14/2008 4:04 PM EST

Maybe to the more astute this will seem easy but I'm stumped.

Server info is below (it's CentOS v5)

I had beta 1 running, but had not used the database so I deleted the DB and then "undeployed" via Tomcat Manager.

Uploaded the new WAR file (downloaded it today) and I get the above error ... I've been poking and prodding the server to get it working again

Any help would be appreciated

Server Information Tomcat Version
Apache Tomcat/5.5.25

JVM Version JVM Vendor
1.6.0_03-b05 Sun Microsystems Inc.

1. 1/14/2008 5:34 PM EST

It is only a workaround, but I copied $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/centric/templates/template1centric.jsp to $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/centric/templates/nullcentric.jsp
and it worked.

2. 1/14/2008 6:09 PM EST

Thank you ... it did work.

3. 1/14/2008 9:26 PM EST

Hi Kevin,

Another member ran into the same issue last week. It's because the application is trying to access configuration from a fileLibrary that doesn't exist. When you install from a war the Java Preference API is used to store the location of your fileLibrary. Where it is saved depends on your OS.

For Centos it will most likely be in:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE map SYSTEM "
<map MAP_XML_VERSION="1.0"><entry key="$" value="$"/></map>

You could delete the entry that you are no longer using, and then next time you start tomcat and go to the context you should receive the installation screen.

The prefs file will have an entry for each concourse war file by it's file location. So if you have multiple wars with different names each could associated with a different fileLibrary.

This appears in the wiki under Uninstalling.

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