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Unable to login to new 5.0 install

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Unable to login to new 5.0 install

12/22/2007 7:34 PM EST (edited)


I recently tried upgrading our 4.1 community version of Concourse to the latest version of 5.0 from subversion. Everything appeared to go smoothly except when I tried to log into Concourse and got the following error message:

  • Access: ERROR: relation "lookup_contact_stage" does not exist

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've tried a database upgrade from 4.2 but also have done a clean install of a fresh database and both give the same error message.

Thank you,

Derek Barber

1. 12/23/2007 10:37 PM EST

Did you get an upgrade login ? We had this problem on Tomcat5.5 where it skipped the DB upgrade and this error appeared. To fix, we followed the directions to alter the and added the string "UPGRADE" to the three version attributes. Then restart tomcat and it will give you the upgrade screen which should convert your database to the new schema.

2. 12/24/2007 1:59 PM EST

Hi Michael, thank you for the reply. I actually ran the "ant upgradedb" which I was thought was supposed to upgrade my 4.1 database to 5.0. After restarting tomcat I never got an actual upgrade screen, just the login screen. I'm not sure if that is because I am using the community version.

Regarding the file, I actually don't see any version attributes information in my file. Can you please elaborate on exactly what lines I need to add or modify in that file?

Thank you


3. 12/24/2007 8:32 PM EST (edited)

Hi Derek,

The Community version does not have automatic upgrades, which are one of the benefits of using a supported version. The code does come with exhaustive instructions on running the many scripts required to upgrade. A text file explaining the process should have been included with your 5.0 Community download.


4. 12/26/2007 11:37 AM EST

Hi Derek,

If possible, starting with a backup 4.1 database, could you run 'sh bin/' (or the equivalent .bat if you're running Windows) using the 5.0 code from Subversion, then post your output? There is a script that gets run during that process that should create the 'lookup_contact_stage' relation.


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