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5.0 upgrade script missing new table?

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5.0 upgrade script missing new table?

11/30/2007 3:30 PM EST

After installing 5.0 onto a test computer with our old 4.1 database (following the instructions), I completed the wizard and got to the login screen. When I tried to login it said:

  • Access: ERROR: relation "lookup_contact_stage" does not exist

When I use pgAdmin III to look at the tables, there is no lookup_contact_stage table.


1. 11/30/2007 3:42 PM EST

I'm not sure that the database upgrade even happened. In one of your upgrade scripts for postgres I see that there are two new fields in action_plan_category_draft : entered and modified. When I query the table I don't see those fields:

centric_crm=# select * from action_plan_category_draft;
id | link_id | cat_level | parent_cat_code | description | full_description | default_item | level | enabled | site_id

When I deleted the .java folder so that the setup wizard would accept my demo license key, did it decide that it wasn't going to upgrade the database?


2. 12/1/2007 8:25 AM EST (edited)
Default user photo

By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


To force the upgrade, edit the file and change all of the VERSION properties -- you could append the word UPGRADE to each of the values (not the parameter name). When Tomcat is restarted, the application will see that there is a mismatch and go through the upgrade process.

3. 12/17/2007 6:59 AM EST (edited)

Matt Rajkowski wrote:
To force the upgrade, edit the file and change all of the VERSION properties -- you could append the word UPGRADE to

I do have an error aswell. I get
-- ERROR: column "page_alias" of relation "web_page" already exists --
When I preform an upgrade. As soon as I turn back to the previous version I do get other errors... :-( How can I manage this?

4. 2/4/2008 3:42 PM EST

I also get the missing table error message.

I just installed the "Concourse Suite 5.0.4 Enterprise (2008-01-31)" war file on the server, and removed the old centric.war and centric directory. I also made sure the VERSION entries in the file had bogus data to try to force the upgrade.

No matter what I do, I can't get it to go through the upgrade process.

5. 2/14/2008 4:30 AM EST

Hi may i know the missing tables table........Because i solved the same problem....................

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