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recurring import/ update into from other tables

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recurring import/ update into from other tables

6/13/2007 12:04 PM EDT

I have a proprietary system and doing a one time import won't suffice. We need this to happen at least once a day with our new accounts as well as update any changes to the old. This is all in oracle. Does anyone have any ideas how to do this? Even letting me know which tables handle the accounts info should help as we could do it there directly. Please let me know. thanks

1. 6/18/2007 3:27 PM EDT

What operating system is this running on? One thing that comes to mind is possibly writing some sort of script or cronjob that handles this on a daily basis. I will think about this some more.

Brandon Antone
Centric CRM

2. 6/18/2007 4:08 PM EDT (edited)

THe way to handle this is through Centric CRM's API. It would NOT be a good idea to manipulate the Centric CRM database directly, as there are lots of dependencies and business logic that must happen at the application layer. There are API docs in the Documentation project. If you have programming assets in-house, they could likely script this for you, or alternatively, one of our service provider partners could give you a quote.

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