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error while visiting http://localhost:8080/centric

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error while visiting http://localhost:8080/centric

5/16/2006 5:24 AM EDT

Helllo guys,

Please help me here are some errors are happening as below

HTTP Status 503 - Servlet Controller is currently unavailable

type Status report

message Servlet Controller is currently unavailable

description The requested service (Servlet Controller is currently unavailable) is not currently available.
Apache Tomcat/5.5.16

whereas if i visit to http://localhost:8080/ Its working fine.
Please help where is problem or mistake that i have made.

With thanks & regards

Rajveer Singh

1. 5/18/2006 9:33 AM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


Check the Tomcat logs directory for catalina.out or stdout.txt and see if there is a longer error message present... or a Tomcat deployment error... or a Centric error.

If not, then I'm not sure if this is related, but I have sometimes seen Tomcat on various platforms not deploy a .war correctly. My suggestion...

1. Stop Tomcat
2. Remove the webapps/centric directory
3. Remove the work/...find centric in here directory
4. Replace the .war with an updated one
5. Start Tomcat

2. 8/17/2006 9:39 AM EDT

Hi there!

Got the same error with Tomcat 5.5.15 on FC5.

Tried ant deploy. Build goes fine and all related tasks but I get the annoying

HTTP Status 503 - Servlet Controller is currently unavailable
type Status report
message Servlet Controller is currently unavailable
description The requested service (Servlet Controller is currently unavailable) is not currently available.

error. http://hostname:8080 works fine and also other tomcat examples.

Also, tried with war but same thing happens. Log file does not show anything when trying to request the page.

Centric version is taken from SVN:


3. 8/17/2006 5:54 PM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


With FC5, make sure you download Sun Java and install it separately. FC5 has a gnu java that doesn't implement everything that Centric CRM requires. You might have to download and install Apache Tomcat as well instead of using the bundled one.

Does this help?

4. 8/18/2006 3:45 AM EDT

Thanks Matt for your reply.

I was aware of the fact for Sun's Java and I did it already but had that problem in the time I was contacting you. Nevertheless, I've found the problem. Sometimes solution is in front of you and you do not see it.

I'll try not to bother with too much talk but I guess this might be helpful for some other people in future.

When using FC5 as Matt said

1. Sun's Java needs to be installed
2. Tomcat I've installed via

yum install tomcat5 tomcat5-webapps tomcat5-admin-webapps

Assuming you have no firewall problems (I was installing it on remote machine and accessing it also) here it comes.

It was strange to me at the start that when deployed I did not get any log messages in my log file when accessing centric application. Tomcat Manager showed centric as it is deployed in an application list. Now, I did not tackle with Tomcat for a long time so I assumed there was a permission problem somewhere or debug level problem. It was not.

I've found the following link: ( which pointed to me that maybe some log libraries are conflicting and that actually my centric deploy did not go well (as HTPP 503 error suggested) but I just could not see it.

I did remove the commons-logging.jar, commons-logging-api.jar, log4j-1.2.9.jar from centric/WEB-INF/lib directory (maybe I needed to remove only commons jars) and after tomcat restart I've finally got log messages for centric! Man I was happy.

From that point it was easy.

Of course, exception was there when centric was deploying:

javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError: Provider org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl not found

- Here is the explanation for this exception:

- What I did is make symbolic links in /tomcat_home/common/endorsed directory

ln -s /usr/share/java/xml-commons-apis-1.3.02.jar xml-commons-apis.jar
ln -s /usr/share/java/xerces-j2-2.7.1.jar xerces-j2.jar
ln -s /usr/share/java/xalan-j2-2.6.0.jar xalan.jar

After restart of Tomcat I've finally got the setup screen for centric.

The rest was like a walk in a park!

Again, thanks Matt for you prompt reply!

5. 8/19/2006 11:24 PM EDT

Thanks for your detailed posting vladimir.

I can confirm that the process he describes works. I was installing today on Fedora Core 5. Had the same problem - tomcat was apparently working but after centric.war was deployed I got nothing but a blank page.

Worked on it far too long and was just about to give up when I found this thread. Deleted the jar files and created the link exactly as described and then I got into the CentricCRM setup pages.

6. 8/21/2006 4:05 AM EDT

Glad it helps!

7. 8/28/2007 9:03 AM EDT

I get the same problem but i m trying this in windows 2003.

can someone help me with this.


8. 12/4/2009 4:14 PM EST

Thank you for pinpointing the problem and for solving it.
Your explanation was straight to the point. After doing the links with "ln xxx" we were able to access the setup.
One problem we faced after that , while requesting for the license key : http://hostipaddress:8080/centric/
we get the following error upon pressing continue : http://hostipaddress:8080/centric/
error = The requested page was not found.
Can someone help ?

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