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XML-API not working.. where is my mistake?

11. 1/3/2006 7:02 AM EST

Ananth Balasubramanyam wrote:
Status 'Transaction Failed' indicates that authentication was successful. I guess there is something wrong with the transaction piece.

Can you verify if the following point to the corressponding tables?

<sourceCode>123</sourceCode> should refer to lookup_ticketsource (code)

should all refer to ticket_category(id)

should both refer to access(user_id)

Hi Ananth
Good news! :-)

This transaction works:

$xmlDocument='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<transaction id="1">
<ticket action="insert">
<problem>questo essere un ticket</problem>

Where "3" is my ID value for "Web" label from the "lookupticket_source" table.
I've removed the category stuff to semplify and it works..


only in the Postgres version.

Tha same transaction with the MSSQL does not work.

The error in MSSQL case is the same:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<errorText>Error: rollback() should not be called while in auto-commit mode.</errorText>

I think there is a problem (bug) with MSSQL

Hope this can help.

Now i need to know where in documentation i can find the whole list of object i can edit with xml http, the properties and the admitted values for them :-)
I'm specially interested in the syntax to populate custom folders for customer to integrate external information systems with Centric (financial information about customer, for example).

Thank You very much

12. 1/4/2006 11:11 AM EST

i'm experimenting with leads import via xml http from my web site.
Basically i have a form that call a php piece that do the work.
I've managed to make it work after some troubles to discover object properties.
(i have found in the forum a file named import-mappings.xml that give some more details ).
Now there is a encoding problem with italian accents: letters like èàùì and so on appears as little rectangles inside Centric.

Changing encoding tag in xml seems not to work...

Any idea?



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