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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

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82 assets deleted by the system!

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82 assets deleted by the system!

11/19/2007 2:17 PM EST

We noticed that there are no assets for one of our accounts. We queried the asset table for NOT trashed_date IS NULL. It came up with 82 assets, all deleted within a 3 second period of time last Thursday. No human could have done this with the web based user interface.

This is the second time assets have been marked as trashed. The first time was probably in June or July.

Any ideas?


1. 11/19/2007 3:28 PM EST

We noticed something that all 82 records have in common: they are not attached to the service contract that exists for the account. This is new functionality that CorraTech added for us, and that you guys have merged into v5.0. If this is a bug, it should be fixed for 5.0 because we will no longer be the only ones affected by it.

We got this idea after noticing an account that had some assets deleted, but other assets not deleted. The only difference between the non-deleted assets is that they were attached to a service contract.


2. 7/18/2008 5:01 PM EDT

We noticed the same thing. It's very frustrating as we keep all of our customers assets in CRM whether they have a service contract or not.

Also, we'd like to be able to CLONE assets and have a last updated section so we know who entered the information.

3. 7/29/2008 5:34 PM EDT

We just had it happen again, and we are on the current release. It appears to have happened when we deleted a support contract for one customer. We lost all the assets not attached to a support contract throughout our data base. Very frustrating.

Going forward, our work around is to create a NONE service contract for each customer that has assets without a support contract. It's quick and you only need to fill out the required fields. After losing data twice, we needed some type of solution. This has worked through our last 'asset disappearing act.'

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