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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

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Service Contracts

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Service Contracts

11/7/2007 5:58 PM EST

There should be a field for a phone number. We would with various manufacturers and need to call them directly for additional support for our customers.

A field for an email address and website would also be very helpful.

These should be fields that carry over to the Assets Module as an asset is 'tied' to a service contract.

1. 11/8/2007 1:42 PM EST

Thanks for the suggestion! Just to let you know this has been put as a feature request ticket in our system.

Brandon Antone
Sales Engineer
Centric CRM

2. 11/13/2007 11:32 AM EST

Additional request - being able to sort or customize the fields that appear as a tech would not know which service contract each one of these "attached file example'. Having the manufacturer name would be very important for us. Something else might be more important for someone else.

For example there are at three different manuf. listed and a subscription service as well.

3. 11/16/2007 3:50 PM EST

We paid CorraTech to add some features to Centric CRM for us and contributed them back to you. Tom Manos says they have been included in 5.0. One of the features allows you to tie an asset to a service contract.

4. 11/16/2007 4:15 PM EST

Hi Ryan,
You can tie an asset to a service contract in r4.1. I'm excited to hear other enhancements are being added. Is it possible to elaborate more?

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