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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

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Setup Repeats After WASCE is Restarted

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Setup Repeats After WASCE is Restarted

8/31/2007 2:13 PM EDT


I have a Centric CRM 4.1.2 system up and running on ISSLE, using DB2 on the back end.

I got the system up and running, was able to login and interact with it fine. However, each time I reboot, I have to go through the setup procedure (starting with "Choose a language...") again.

Instead of rebooting, I tried simply restart WASCE to see if I would get the same problem. I did -- each time I restart WASCE, I have to go through setup again.

Could anyone provide a suggestion on how to resolve this so that setup does not continue to repeat? Thank you for your time.

1. 9/4/2007 11:54 PM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


Centric CRM needs to be able to write preferences, and find them, outside of the web container, and currently does this in 1 of 2 way (a third we should add would be jndi or similar)...

1. Java Preferences API is used to read/write the fileLibrary path; typically the web server user might not have a HOME directory so there is a way to set this on the command-line

2. Optionally if you are using at least Centric CRM 4.1 and you have a *single* instance of centric crm installed on a server, then you can add any of the following files...

/Library/Application Support/CentricCRM/fileLibrary/path.txt

The first uncommented line can be an explicit path to the Centric CRM FileLibrary location, ex:

  1. This path is used by Centric CRM for locating the file library


2. 2/12/2010 3:32 PM EST

I have tried both of these approaches and have not been able to get Centric to get through setup. For option one when I get to the setup screen it lets me choose the language and proceed to the first page of settings (step 1 of 4). However, when clicking continue from 1 of 4 I get a blank page with the error "The requested page was not found." for the url http://[ip address]:8080/centric/ I have checked the catalina.out for errors and it seems the problem has to do with a Java error: Exception in thread "Timer-1" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xml/serializer/OutputPropertiesFactory (followed by the trace). I have attached the catalina.out for this where it was logging from tomcat's start through seeing the error on the setup page.

If I try the second option I just get the same "setup not saving" problem of the original post with warnings about Java not being able to write or lock the prefs in catalina.out. The location of the file (/opt or /var trees) doesn't make a difference.

Any suggestions?

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