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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

Core Team

Leads v1.1

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#   Leads v1.1 (7 items)     -- -- --  7/19/2006    
  On the Leads dashboard, the bottom paged list control needs the capability to go to a specific page like on the search results page
Normal Partha Peddi 1 Hour -- --  7/19/2006   -- 
  On the Leads search form, default the search to owner "Any"
Normal Partha Peddi 1 Hour -- --  7/19/2006   -- 
  On the Leads search form, default the order to "Newest first" and remove the option for sorting by "None"
Normal Partha Peddi 1 Hour -- --  7/19/2006   -- 
  Update the leads search results page by adding a column for "Name" after the company column, remove the "Site" column if Sites are not used (list=0)
Normal Partha Peddi 1 Hour -- --  7/19/2006   -- 
  When adding a Lead, change the "Save" button to either "Save and return to Dashboard" or "Save and return to Search" depending on what the feature wi
Normal Partha Peddi 1 Hour -- --  7/19/2006   -- 
  When accessing the Account Details in a popup, all account tabs must be visible and usable (applies to other modules that use account pop-up too)
Normal Partha Peddi 12 Hours -- --  7/19/2006   7/21/2006 
  In Lead Details, rework the "Lead Status" area as specified in supporting document
Normal Partha Peddi 12 Hours -- --  7/24/2006   -- 
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