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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

Core Team

Tasks v1.1

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#   Tasks v1.1 (6 items)     -- -- --  7/14/2006   7/17/2006 
  On task details page, add "Modify" "Forward" and "Delete" buttons, which are currently only accessed from the task list select menu
Normal Partha Peddi 2 Hours -- --  7/14/2006   -- 
  When a task is forwarded, this is a text message but <br> html elements are displayed in the forwarded message page and must be removed
Normal Partha Peddi 1 Hour -- --  7/17/2006   -- 
  On task list page, add a "Reassign" button to the select menu which pops up an "Assign to" form which allows quickly reassigning a task
Normal Partha Peddi 2 Hours -- --  7/17/2006   -- 
  When adding a "Quick Task" have a button before "Insert" called "More Fields" which auto-populates an advanced task form and allows the user to contin
Normal Partha Peddi 2 Hours -- --  7/17/2006   -- 
  When adding a task, have a button between "Save" and "Cancel" called "Save & New" which completes the save, then proceeds to another New Task form
Normal Partha Peddi 2 Hours -- --  7/17/2006   -- 
  When a task is related to a contact, the information arrow does not work in all browsers... for example Safari, does it work in others?
Normal Partha Peddi 1 Hour -- --  7/17/2006   -- 
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