Set an image for Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

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Centric CRM 4.1 (Stable and Released)

Core Team


Priority: Scheduled
Assigned To: Kailash Bhoopalam

Ticket # 19

This ticket is open
Severity: Important
Category: Blocker
Entered by: Kailash Bhoopalam 10/4/2006, 10:25 AM
Last modified: Matt Rajkowski 2/6/2007, 4:05 AM


I create a document store as a non-site user. I invite a site user to the team. When the site user logs in, he is not able to see the document store he is invited to.


additional site check was removed as check for userId was sufficient.

File Attachments

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Ticket Activity

Date Event
Kailash Bhoopalam 10/4/2006, 10:25 AM [ Ticket Opened ]
Kailash Bhoopalam 10/4/2006, 10:25 AM [ Assigned to Bhoopalam, Kailash ]
Kailash Bhoopalam 10/4/2006, 10:25 AM [ Priority set to Scheduled ]
Kailash Bhoopalam 10/4/2006, 10:25 AM [ Severity set to Important ]
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