ConcourseSuite Support


ConcourseSuite Framework Model

The ConcourseSuite framework currently utilizes three (3) action class-JSP design models. Model 1 is the simplest and is typical when developing new features. Model 2 consolidates potentially duplicate code at the JSP level by combining form data and re-using the JSP with minor additional logic. Model 3 introduces a Shared Action Class that can be called from other Action Classes when action class code needs to be re-used.

Model 1

The controller executes an Action Class, the Action Class returns a result which calls a standalone JSP. A different JSP is required for showing a list of items, an input form, and a detail page.

Framework Model 1.png

Model 2

The controller executes an Action Class, the Action Class returns a result which calls a shared JSP. Typically a shared JSP is used when presenting an input form that is used for initially inserting data or for modifying data in multiple modules. The JSP may have some basic logic to show the user the word “Save” or the word “Update.” This model adds reusability to Model 1.

Framework Model 2.png

Model 3

The controller executes an Action Class, the Action Class requires the generation of Lookup Lists and other form data and returns a result which calls a standalone JSP. Typically this model is used when two completely different modules require the same form to be generated, but in a different user context. In this case, the module specific Action Class is linked to a Shared Action Class, and then returns a module specific JSP.

Framework Model 3.png

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