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Problems importing

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Problems importing

3/29/2011 1:24 PM EDT

I'm trying to import a few thousand companies, contacts and addresses into ConcourseSuite and I've hit two snags.
1) If the very first row of data does not have *every* field populated, I get both warnings above the area where import columns are matched with database columns and insufficient matching fields for my columns and the database.
2) Having 1543 rows in my import and only 1542 result rows might not be a problem; it is a real time-waster when there is no automated error report showing why one (or indeed any other) row failed.

1. 3/31/2011 4:56 PM EDT
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By Matt Rajkowski

Concursive Corporation
Product Design


I'll have to verify the 1st line issue.

After the import, if there are any errors/rejects I thought there was a file attachment for download which contains the records with errors. I'll have to try that too.

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