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Documents in Contacts

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Documents in Contacts

7/21/2006 4:36 PM EDT

How can we add the Documents tab related to a single Contact as with the Accounts module?

1. 6/26/2008 11:52 AM EDT

Arturo Sanchez wrote:
How can we add the Documents tab related to a single Contact as with the Accounts module?

Verify that the database that created the following outline permission in the table permission.
If not created, make whit this following SQL.

INSERT INTO `permission` (`permission_id`,`category_id`,`permission`,`permission_view`,`permission_add`,`permission_edit`,`permission_delete`,`description`,`level`,`enabled`,`active`,`viewpoints`) VALUES 

Then enter the CRM with permits or account manager, go to administration, Administration Roles and select the roles to which they wished to allow access to documents and active options desired.

Now you see between the tabs side of the documents, and thus may associate files to contcto.

PS: Sorry if the reading will not save a lot of logic, the text is translated with a translator automatic.

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