ConcourseSuite Support


New API Helpers in CRM 7.0

Posted by Matt Rajkowski on March 18, 2014, 2:00 PM EDT
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If you are importing data into the CRM, whether it's your first time using ConcourseSuite or it's an ongoing effort, the CRM API has several improvements to make it easier.

On the server-side, the CRM has a client access manager which an administrator must grant API access to. Once that's setup through the web UI, the import process can take place. Actually, the API allows for reading, writing, updating and deleting of CRM data, so there's much more you can do with it.

The example script I'll use for reference is a Java Beanshell (BSH) script. It is run from the command line and doesn't require compiling before executing. This makes the script file very easy to make changes to and test. The script must define the CRM libraries (.jar files) to use so that the client libraries can be used.

New in CRM 7 are several client-side API helpers including:


The AccountHelper has several methods which help to save Accounts, find relational values, create relational values and also setup and save custom fields:

class AccountHelper
retrieveOrgIdFromAccountNumber, deleteAccount, saveAccount,
retrieveAccountTypeIdFromValue, addTypeIdToAccount,
retrieveSegmentIdFromValue, saveSegment, 
retrieveStageIdFromValue, saveStage, 
retrieveRatingIdFromValue, saveRating, saveCustomFolderData,
retrieveEmailTypeIdFromValue, retrievePhoneTypeIdFromValue

These example screenshots show Mapping CSV columns to CRM fields, retrieving relational data from the CRM, saving CRM accounts and custom fields.

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