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right-column info boxes should be login-term-limited

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A good idea

And I agree with Matt's point. l also think that maybe for a feature like "Reviews" you may not need the right column help at all given it's reasonably intuitive. Wikis, on the other hand, the guidance is probably more valuable and thus the help should stay longer

right-column info boxes should be login-term-limited photo

x logins or contribution based?

I agree that those boxes get in the way over time... There's actually quite a bit of functionality throughout though, and if a user logins in x times and only uses one (1) feature, then all the boxes would presumably go away from the other features.

If you adapt the idea to leverage the underlying contribution system, then as a user contributes ideas, or participates in other features, then the inline help content goes away. Perhaps a user could bring it back if needed somehow.

I guess you need some documentation on the contribution system, but I'm hoping that will be available soon.

I'm rating this a 3 because in the short-term the content is not too annoying, but as soon as you use the system a bit the space can be used for something else.

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