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Phil Ray


Installation on OS X

Posted by Phil Ray on July 4, 2013, 4:30 AM EDT
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Unusual combination of versions found to get working solution.

Hi, my first run at this and was initially attracted by an old post which claimed good Snom integration. No evidence of that now (seems to lean toward Asterisk) but to get a stable, working system I have the following setup...

Apache Tomcat: 7.0.41

JVM: 1.6.0_51-b11-457-11M4509

Mac OS X: 10.8.2 x86_64

Concourse Suite: Enterprise

Postgres: 9.2.4

Tried Concourse versions 6 and 7 with recommended Tomcat versions etc. but always ended with issues or show stoppers (couldn't register, Java, Catalina exceptions).

The combo above works well though. Just need to work out why the Java process robs all the cpu time occasionally. 

Hope this is helpful to someone.


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