ConcourseSuite Support



ConcourseSuite comes with several modules that can be configured. From a developer's perspective, ConcourseSuite modules make use of several framework features, including:

  1. User session created by the Login process which defines the user's id, role, and permissions
  2. System configuration values that are cached in the servlet context
  3. Database Objects that interact with the data stored in the database
  4. Document Library framework for uploading and downloading files
  5. Folders & Forms for custom fields
  6. Import Manager for queueing and processing files for importing into the database
  7. Form validation
  8. etc.

Modules are configured by the CRM administrator using the Users and Roles web interface. The administrator can decide which user roles have access to the modules and the modules can be turned off completely. ConcourseSuite currently has the following modules:

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