ConcourseSuite Support


Build Process

An Ant build script is used for initializing, installing, and upgrading Centric CRM from source. The same script is used on Linux, Mac, Sun and Windows systems.

Ant Targets

Executing "ant" without any parameters will display a list of ant targets.

Buildfile: build.xml

     [echo] ant compile: compile the sources
     [echo] ant test-compile: compile the tests
     [echo] ant test: compile and run the tests using a test database
     [echo] ant test -Dtest=specificTest: compile and run a specific test using a test database
     [echo] ant package: compile and generate a war
     [echo] ant package-tools: create a distributable tools jar file
     [echo] ant site: generate java docs and web site info
     [echo] ant clean: delete temporary files used in build
     [echo] ant deploy-webapp: deploy the webapp as an exploded directory
     [echo] ant deploy-tomcat: deploy the webapp .war into a running Tomcat instance
     [echo] ant installdb: install the database from the commandline
     [echo]     install.database: just create the tables
     [echo] just install the help contents
     [echo] ant upgradedb: upgrade the database from the commandline

Configuration Steps

The build process needs to be configured before ConcourseSuite CRM can be compiled and deployed.

Each time "ant package" is executed, the build process verifies the environment, alerting you to any changes that need to be made.

Configuration Steps:

  1. Stop Tomcat
  2. Run "ant package" to initialize the configuration paths and files
  3. Make changes as requested to the command line environment; then run "ant package" until successful
  4. Copy the resulting .war file to Tomcat's web apps path
  5. Start Tomcat
  6. Using a browser navigate to the deployed CRM for additional configuration options


After configuration, all properties are updated and stored in the file of the file library.




Default language setting: even though any locale can be specified, translations and supporting database data needs to be available for this to work


If uncommented, then all application debug output is sent to system.out

Advanced Configuration (Optional)

Web-based configuration of ConcourseSuite CRM is recommended and is the default setting. However, this option has an override so that the developer can work with multiple databases based on virtual hosts.

Without overriding, all requests to the CRM use the exact same settings and database. In this case, always uses the same database.

When CONTROL=BYPASS_WEB-BASED_APPLICATION_SETUP is uncommented, ConcourseSuite CRM can use multiple databases based on the virtual host and a mapping in the \ table.

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