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Document Stores

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Document Stores

2/21/2008 3:41 AM EST

Hi all!

I need to find a way to create document stores and to upload
file on them (also assigning the right permissions to specific
team users).

Is there a way to do this using XML-HTTP API?

Even if DocumentStore type is listed into import-mapping.xml file:

<map class="org.aspcfs.modules.documents.base.DocumentStore" id="documentStore">

It seems this type is not (yet ?!) supported by the XML-HTTP API,
because if i try to insert data using this code (snippet):


DataRecord docStore = new DataRecord();
docStore.addField("title", bean.getTitle());
docStore.addField("shortDescription", bean.getShortDescription());
docStore.addField("enteredBy", 0);
docStore.addField("modifiedBy", 0);;

boolean result = crm.commit();


the result returned is "Unsupported object specified".

Any hints?

Many thanks in advance

1. 3/12/2008 11:40 AM EDT (edited)

Ok, we found Document Stores XML-HTTP actions are not supported
into community edition, but are here for use in enterprise edition.

Now, we have troubles uploading document content via XML-HTTP...

ProcessDocument is only working for tickets documents...

So we try to upload documents content as a FileItem into a
dummy ticket and then we try to use XML-HTTP to change
FileItem folder, but we cannot identify the FileItem id to operate on
because XML-HTTP SELECT action seems not to be supported
by the fileItemList type...

Any hints?

Many thanks in advance

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