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ConcourseSuite 5.0 (Oracle, es_VE language)

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ConcourseSuite 5.0 (Oracle, es_VE language)

1/9/2008 7:05 AM EST

I've been using CentricCrim 4.1.3 for a time ago using es_VE language and using Oracle as Database. I had not any problem.
Now, I downloaded the last source (Concourse Suite Community Edition 4.2 Alpha) but I have a lot problems. When I try to run ant.installdb using Oracle, the scripts new_graph.sql and new_email_account.sql do not exist. I comment that lines and then I have the ORA-01000 problem (too many open cursors). Then, in the setup, when a user is created, another error is thrown (a word that oracle does not admit) What is happening? It worked fine in previous version but it seems now is not prepare to work with Oracle.
Where can I download Oracle Scripts or patches?
Thanks in advance.

1. 1/9/2008 9:31 AM EST


I was looking at the branch-50-community version (latest version of Centric CRM) to see if these scripts exist in it and I do not see them in there, but I do see the sql scripts you mentioned in the other databases.

There could be some changes in the 4.2 alpha and the 5.0 community versions so you might want to checkout the latest branch and see if you can go through an installation from source with that and see if you have the same errors.

2. 1/9/2008 9:51 AM EST


I updated the last source code ( but I have the same problem. Errors (too many cursors), error in adding the user in the setup, the scripts for oracle are not present and if I try to run the PostgreSQL scripts, I have to change names because they are too long for Oracle. So Oracle tables names and sequences must be changed in the source too. What is your suggest ?

3. 1/23/2008 1:52 AM EST

Hi Brandan,
i downloaded the latest community source code from branch-50-coomunity.
i too having the same problem with the sql files.

4. 1/30/2008 6:50 AM EST

i have solved this issue...........

5. 4/2/2008 6:49 PM EDT

Im doing a MySQL installation and having the same problem. Is this issue will be also be solved por MySQL?

6. 4/2/2008 7:37 PM EDT

I Tried to migrate the new_email_account.sql from postgresql to mysql but there is a column called email_account.ssl. It seems that ssl is a reserverd word for mysql, it doesnt allow me to create that column with that name, if I change it there is no problem with the creation of the table.

7. 4/21/2008 7:21 PM EDT

sudhagar k wrote:
i have solved this issue...........

What was the solution? I am ahving this problem with ant installdb for a SQL2005 Express installation ...


8. 4/22/2008 7:01 AM EDT

Gustavo Higa wrote:
I Tried to migrate the new_email_account.sql from postgresql to mysql but there is a column called email_account.ssl. It seems that ssl is a reserverd word for mysql, it doesnt allow me to create that column with that name, if I change it there is no problem with the creation of the table.

Can you post the converted mysql file?

9. 10/24/2008 2:59 PM EDT

sudhagar k wrote:
i have solved this issue...........

What kind of a community is this, where somebody finds the solution, and it does not share with the community his/her solution?

I have seen this again and again, in the Centric/Concursive community. This behavior only plays against Centric/Concursive as a viable solution in the OSS marketplace.

It is a pity.


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