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Portal Users/Account Contacts: assigning tickets??!

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Portal Users/Account Contacts: assigning tickets??!

4/1/2007 8:24 AM EDT


I've setup an example project with a couple of employees added to the team, everything works as expected.

I've also added one portal user and one account contact as members of the team.

When either of these guys raises a project related ticket, they arent given the ability to assign the ticket to specific person in team? The ticket is always raised unassigned which makes it very hard to track as it wont appear in any dashboard.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks, Chris

1. 4/1/2007 10:50 AM EDT

I noticed the same thing and posted a question about it. How is anyone supposed to know about a new ticket from the portal unless they are manually pressing refresh on the help desk's main screen and looking for red "unassigned". We'll have to wait & see what Centric staff say

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